Shiver, Linger, and Forever: (a trio by Maggie Stiefvater) These are absolutely beyond amazing. They tell the story of a boy (Sam) and a girl (Grace) as well as a few of their close friends and relations. They live in modern-day wherever, except for the one vital fact: the wolves in the forest aren't really wolves at all. They're half man, half wolf. If you get bitten by one, there is no escape from becoming one yourself. But what happens when you try to find a cure to stop the impossible from happening? (Yes, I know that this may have been a bit of a confusing summary, but it's hard to say anything without giving too much away. Plus, I like leaving you on an edge. It's more fun that way.)

It feels like last year already. It doesn't feel like it's still 2013, one of the equally worst and best ones of my life. In 2013, I started blogging after my mom told me about Tavi Gevinson. Before Tavi and Style Rookie, I was still that kind of girl who used her computer time to play games and gallop little animated horses through the desert and whatever else. After Tavi, though, I was constantly trying to live up and be exactly like Tavi- until I realized that it didn't exactly work out, and even though I could use her as inspiration, it wasn't exactly like I could be her. I was better off blogging as myself.

Me in these enormous, oversized jeans that I absolutely love.
Now, I'm re-reading this post, and it feels weird. It isn't actually 2014 yet- it's still the same old 2013. But yet, I feel like I already moved on. You see? I'm already talking in past tense. P.S. All these pictures and their sources can be found on my tumblr blog.
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